
My Story

image I’m Harrys mummy. Harry died when he was 5 years old very unexpectedly. It was 10 years ago in March 2019. Is that relevant? I’m not sure! Every year following his death is the same. The numbness that has set in starts to lift and I feel it again.

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image As time has gone on I have morphed into who I am now; not the old ‘me’ and not the one who takes over to carry me when I enter the depths of despair, over and over again, year in year out.

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image Following Harry’s death I quickly discovered the lack of bereavement support that existed in our area. Being a proactive person I sought help very early on, wanting to adopt any way possible to ensure Harry’s twin sister Jessica was supported .

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image There is a range of support you can access to help with your loss. We’re all individual and unique so it’s not a case of one glove fits all.

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Once a happy celebration of the birth of your child, to a reminder of all those lost celebrations and milestones and dashed hopes and dreams.


A particularly hard time that begins weeks before the actual day your child died. Flashbacks, PTSD, re-ignition of hidden emotions cripple you.


It feels like every other family are sitting in their cosy, over decorated homes, overflowing with presents and happiness while you are desperate to know that ignorance again.


Doing anything without your child is hard, but family celebrations such as Weddings and parties are painful. Photos of special moments reminding you of what could’ve been.


It is so important to look after yourself, as much as you feel you don’t deserve it, it’s necessary for your health and emotional wellbeing.

I have learned to talk about Harry and my experience for almost 10 years and it honestly does get easier, however the easier it gets the less prepared I am for those times when it all becomes unbearable again.
